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Segata Kenshirō
Jesus is a true pussy sore loser blah blah
Jesus is a true pussy sore loser blah blah
Segata Kenshirō

Messages : 683
Date d'inscription : 22/02/2010
Age : 43

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MessageSujet: Personnages à terre.   Personnages à terre. EmptyMer 24 Fév - 21:07

Bon nombre d'options vous sont offertes lorsque vous êtes mis à terre. Vous pouvez choisir d'amortir votre chute sur place ou en roulant sur un côté. Ou encore vous relever sur place, en roulant sur un côté ou en arrière, après la chute. Vous pouvez également effectuer une attaque mid ou low en vous relevant.

Rétablissement de chute

Fall recovery ou ukemi en japonais.

Comme l'indique l'intitulé, ceci est une technique permettant de se remettre instantanément d'une chute, que se soit sur place ou en roulant sur un côté.
Elle est essentielle dans la mesure ou vous pouvez éviter la fin de certains combos, ainsi que les enchaînements à terre. Vous pourrez parfois éviter les dommages supplémentaires infligés par certaines attaques, projections ou contres vous mettant à terre. Notez que dans d'autres cas particuliers, assez rares ceci-dit, cela augmentera les dégâts: si vous tentez un rétablissement lors d'un combo en l'air (juggle) avant d'être touché par une attaque basse conclusive garantie (une balayette, par exemple), la réduction des dommages (damage reduce) ne sera pas prise en compte et ce dernier coup vous infligera ses dégâts en totalité.

Vous ne pouvez pas réaliser de rétablissement sur des actions telles que les écroulements (crumples) et les attaques faisant rebondir (bounce attacks).

Enfin, sachez qu'il y a certains risques à utiliser cette technique, dépendant de la position à terre que le coup entraînera.

Rétablissement sur place
Pour amortir votre chute instantanément, appuyez sur Poing+Pied+Garde au moment où vous touchez le sol.

Voici les différentes phases du rétablissement sur place:
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Mise à terre
• Lors de votre mise à terre (phase 1), votre adversaire est en mesure de vous infliger des attaques à terre (down attacks) jusqu'à votre relevée. En revanche, avec cette technique, vous pouvez éviter un enchaînement à terre (ground combos) ou vous en protéger.
Pour vous protéger immédiatement d'une attaque à terre, lorsque vous appuyez sur Poing+Pied+Garde, continuez à maintenir Garde tout en relâchant les autres boutons.

• La seconde phase est une transition de la position accroupie à la position debout. Pendant cette période, vous pouvez choisir entre ces deux positions et vous protéger ou non (ceci sera alors effectif lors de la phase 3) afin d'anticiper l'attaque de votre adversaire.

• Lors de la troisième phase, vous récupérez dans la position que vous avez choisie mais vous ne pouvez pas esquiver une attaque. Si vous anticipez une attaque basse ou une projection, maintenez MaintenirGarde pour à la fois vous mettre en garde basse et éviter une éventuelle projection. Si vous prévoyez une attaque moyenne, maintenez seulement Garde.

Roulade sur le côté
Side roll ou tech roll.

Pour réaliser une roulade, entrez les commandes suivantes:
- HautPoing+Pied+Garde pour vous rétablir vers l'arrière-plan.
- BasPoing+Pied+Garde pour vous rétablir vers le premier plan.

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Mise à terre
Position accroupie
• Lors de votre mise à terre (phase 1), votre adversaire est en mesure de vous infliger des attaques à terre (down attacks) selon le côté où vous récupérez. En revanche, avec cette technique, vous pouvez éviter un enchaînement à terre (ground combos) ou vous en protéger.
Pour vous protéger immédiatement d'une attaque à terre, lorsque vous appuyez sur Haut ou BasPoing+Pied+Garde, continuez à maintenir Garde tout en relâchant les autres boutons.

• Lors de la seconde phase, vous êtes considéré comme accroupi.

• En phase de rétablissement, vous êtes toujours accroupi. Si votre adversaire tente une projection haute immédiatement, il échouera. Dans cette phase, vous pouvez également lancer des attaques qui requièrent une position accroupie sans avoir à rentrer Maintenir comme le Byakko Soushouda d'Akira qui devient alors GaucheDroitePoing au lieu de MaintenirGaucheDroitePoing.

Exact Recovery

Also known as Just Ukemi or Just Recovery.

There are various timings allowed for the input of Fall Recovery. In general, you should time the input with the very moment you're hitting the ground. This can be tricky to judge, especially with some knockdown animations. If you time the input perfectly, you will perform Just Recovery. Exact Recovery will not result in any sound being heard from the ground impact, and is usually the requirement to avoid extra damage from ground impact. Without this perfect timing, Fall Recovery results in a sound being heard from ground impact. While mashing inputs is possible when performing a Fall Recovery technique, you will never achieve Exact Recovery, so expect to practice this technique a few times before you get it down consistently.

Wolf's Giant Swing is an example of a throw from which you can Exact Recover to avoid additional damage (20pts!). You can still perform regular Fall Recovery but you'll receive full damage. Not all throws with damage from ground impact can be reduced in this way, so consult the VFDC Command Lists for further information.


Known as Oki in Japanese, which means to rise or wake up.

When you're knocked down to the ground, and don't perform Fall Recovery to instantly get back up, you're forced to rise in the conventional way. While you are laying prone on the ground, you have a number of options to choose from in deciding how to rise. You can either rise in place, or after a side roll or back roll. Additionally, you can choose to perform either a mid or low level a rising attack.

The constant factor with all rising techniques is that once you're knocked down on the ground, there's a set amount of time that you'll be stunned and unable to move yet. Generally speaking, you can reduce this amount of stun time by rapidly entering any Joystick/Button input, enabling you to rise much quicker. However, certain Joystick and Button inputs can cause you to rise in certain ways, so a speed-up input pattern will be recommended with each rising method below.

Also note that once you exit the ground stun and start moving, you can stop trying to “wake up” and instead concentrate on whether or not you want a rising attack.

In Place

While you are knocked down on the ground, not entering any inputs will default you to rising in place.

Speed-up: You can speed up the time for you to rise up by circling the Joystick and pressing rapidly. It is often in your best interests to rise as quickly as you can, which can sometimes prevent your opponent from attempting a Down Attack or Down Throw.

Side Roll

While you are knocked down on the ground:

hold and tap repeatedly to side roll into the background
hold and tap repeatedly to side roll into the foreground
Speed-up: You can speed up the time for you to side roll by holding or repeatedly tapping the desired direction, or , while repeatedly pressing and .

Back Roll

While you are knocked down on the ground, hold and tap repeatedly.

Speed-up: You can speed up the time for you to back roll by holding or repeatedly tapping the back direction[4], while repeatedly pressing and .

Rising Attacks

While you are rising, you can choose to perform a rising attack which hits either mid or low. While you are rising:

Enter to perform a mid rising attack
Enter to perform a low rising attack
You can also delay your rising attack by waiting until you've almost fully risen before you enter or . This can sometimes bait opponents into your rising attack who would otherwise have thought that you decided not to attack while rising.

You will note that in the above Speed-up patterns, the button was omitted. The reason for this is that mashing to help you wake up can also risk you entering a rising attack which may not be desirable. It is possible to add to your wake up inputs but you must cease to enter the very moment you start to move. Again, this is risky so until you get a good feel for wake up timings, it is suggested that you omit the altogether, unless you are intending for a non-delayed rising attack!

Down Positions

Also known as Knock Down Positions or Ground Positions.

When you've been knocked down, you already know what your next move is – to get up! In fact, you have no choice in the matter since the game will force you to get back up eventually if you decide to do nothing.

But how much thought do you give to how you get up?

As shown in the previous sections, there are a number of ways to either recover or rise from a knock down which can prevent you from taking more damage. But aside from just getting up as soon as possible, what else do you factor into how you get up?

A factor you probably consider when performing Fall Recovery is your proximity to a wall or the edge of the ring. Usually, you'd choose to roll away from the perimeter of the ring to reduce the threat of a ring out or wall combo.

Similarly when you're rising normally, you may choose to side roll or back roll away from a potential threat, and find that your opponent is pressuring you by sticking close. Do you perform a rising attack? If so, a mid or low one? Delayed or non-delayed?

Before you commit to any one of these decisions it might be useful, or even critical to your survival, to consider your Down Position first.

Your Down Position can affect:

How vulnerable you are if you perform Fall Recovery
What Attack Class your Rising Attack will be
You're already heavily disadvantaged by being knocked down, so being aware of your risks! Minimising them can help you ensure a safer rising back to your feet.

There are four possible Down Positions:

Face Up, Feet Towards
Face Up, Head Towards
Face Down, Feet Towards
Face Down, Head Towards
Each of these will be detailed in the sections below along with their typical vulnerabilities when performing Fall Recovery or normal Rising.

A couple of notes about the vulnerabilities:

Being “safe” means there are no guaranteed attacks against this recovery method
“All” refers to the majority. You should confirm Character specific details by referring to the VFDC Command Lists under the Rising Attacks section
Face Up, Feet Towards

This is the default and probably most common Down Position. If you imagine your opponent falling away from you, landing flat on their back, then they will be in this down position.

Some character throws, launchers or single knockdown attacks will put the opponent in this down position.


In-Place Fall Recovery is “safe”
Side Roll Fall Recovery is “safe”
All Mid Rising Kicks are MCR class
All Delayed Mid Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Mid Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
All Low Rising Kicks are SW class
All Delayed Low Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Low Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
What does this mean?

MCR class Rising Attacks are full-circular and cannot be evaded with a DM
SW class Rising Attacks are full-circular and cannot be evaded with a DM
Being -15 frames on Guard means the following are guaranteed:
all character punches (10f, 11f, 12f)
all normal throws (12f)
all elbow-class attacks (14f)
all upper-class attacks (15f)
Face Up, Head Towards

This Down Position is common to some character throws such as Vanessa's Canyon Dive , and also occurs after a Foot Crumple knock down.


In-Place Fall Recovery is safe
Side Roll Fall Recovery is safe
All Mid Rising Kicks are SK class
All Delayed Mid Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Mid Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
All Low Rising Kicks are SW class
All Delayed Low Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Low Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
What does this mean?

SK class Rising Attacks are half-circular and can be evaded with a DM to the opponent's back
SK class Rising Attacks are vulnerable to a:
SW class Rising Kicks are full-circular and cannot be evaded with a DM
Being -15 frames on Guard means the following are guaranteed:
all character punches (10f, 11f, 12f)
all normal throws (12f)
all elbow-class attacks (14f)
all upper-class attacks (15f)
Face Down, Feet Towards

This Down Position is common to some character throws such as Jacky's Dragon Fist .


In-Place Fall Recovery is unsafe
Side Roll Fall Recovery is safe
Non-delayed In-Place and Side Roll Mid Rising Kicks are MK class
All Delayed Mid Rising Kicks are MCR class
Back Roll Mid Rising Kicks are SK class
All Delayed Mid Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Mid Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
All Low Rising Kicks are SW class
All Delayed Low Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Low Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
What does this mean?

In-Place Fall Recovery is vulnerable to a guaranteed Mid or Low attack in the back with the proper timing
MK class Rising Attacks are linear and can be evaded with a DM in any direction
MCR class Rising Attacks are full-circular and cannot be evaded with a DM
SK class Rising Attacks are half-circular and can be evaded with a DM to the opponent's back
MK or SK class Rising Attacks are vulnerable to a:
SW class Rising Kicks are full-circular and cannot be evaded with a DM
Being -15 frames on Guard means the following are guaranteed:
all character punches (10f, 11f, 12f)
all normal throws (12f)
all elbow-class attacks (14f)
all upper-class attacks (15f)
Face Down, Head Towards

This Down Position occurs after a Head or Stomach Crumple, as well as some character throws such as Brad's Body Knee Crush .


In-Place Fall Recovery is safe
Side Roll Fall Recovery is unsafe
All Mid Rising Kicks, except for Non-delayed Side Roll, are MCR class
Side Roll Mid Rising Kicks (non-delayed) are SK class
All Delayed Mid Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Mid Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
All Low Rising Kicks are SW class
All Delayed Low Rising Kicks are -15 on Guard
A Back Roll Low Rising Kick is -15 on Guard
What does this mean?

Side Roll Fall Recovery is vulnerable to a guaranteed Mid or Low attack in the back with the proper timing
MCR class Rising Attacks are full-circular and cannot be evaded with a DM
SK class Rising Attacks are half-circular and can be evaded with a DM to the opponent's back
SK class Rising Attacks are vulnerable to:
SW class Rising Attacks are full-circular and cannot be evaded with a DM
Being -15 frames on Guard means the following are guaranteed:
all character punches (10f, 11f, 12f)
all normal throws (12f)
all elbow-class attacks (14f)
all upper-class attacks (15f)
Down Attacks

Every character has Down Attacks, which are attacks that only work if your opponent:

has been hit by an attack that knocks down.
is lying on the ground.
is attempting to get up after being knocked down.
Light Down Attacks

Light Down Attacks are often referred to as Ground Punch or Ground Kick and are commonly performed with or . They do 13-15 pts of damage. Check the VFDC Movelists for character specifics.

Heavy Down Attacks

Heavy Down Attacks or Pounces are performed with . The character leaps into the air to jump on the grounded opponent. Pounces are classified as mid level, so if you're in the process of getting up, you need to be able to stand and guard by the time the Pounce's hit frames become active in order to block it. Heavy down attacks do approximately 25 pts of damage.

Down Throws

Some characters can throw grounded opponents. Commonly done with or . Down or Ground Throws pick the grounded opponent up giving the throwing character frame advantage or cause damage, often more powerful than a Heavy Down Attack. Down Throws can be escaped by entering in the same command as the throwing character ( or ) during the escape window.

The following characters have Down Throws: Aoi, Goh, Jeffry, and Wolf. Check the VFDC Movelists for character specifics.
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